Friday, December 27, 2019

Whats a Good GRE Score Heres How to Tell

So you received the results of your  Graduate Record Exam. To determine if you did well, youll need to learn about how the GRE is scored  and  how all test-takers are ranked. Nearly 560,000 people took the GRE in 2016-2017, according to the  Educational Testing Service, a nonprofit group that developed and administers the test. How well you did on the GRE depends on how many questions you answered correctly and how you stacked up against all of the other test-takers in the U.S. and around the globe. The GRE is a critical part of your graduate school application. It is required by nearly all doctoral programs and many, if not most, master’s programs. With so much riding on one standardized exam, it’s in your interest to prepare as best you can and fully understand your test results when you receive them. GRE Score Range The GRE is divided into three parts: verbal, quantitative, and  analytical writing. The verbal and quantitative subtests yield  scores  ranging from 130 to 170, in one-point increments. These are called your scaled scores. Most graduate schools consider the verbal and quantitative sections to be particularly important in making decisions about applicants. The analytical  writing section  yields a score ranging from zero to six, in half-point increments Kaplans, which provides higher-education training materials and programs, breaks down the top scores as follows: Best Scores: Verbal: 163–170Quantitative: 165–170Writing: 5.0–6.0 Competitive Scores: Verbal: 158–162Quantitative: 159–164Writing: 4.5 Good Scores: Verbal: 150–158Quantitative: 153–158Writing:  4.0 Percentile Rank The  Princeton Review, a company that offers college test-preparation services, notes that in addition to your scaled score, you also need to look at your  percentile rank. Princeton Review says this is more important than your scaled score. Your percentile rank indicates how your GRE scores compare to those of other test takers.   The 50th percentile represents the average, or  mean,  GRE score. The  mean  for the quantitative section is 151.91 (or 152); for verbal, its 150.75 (151); and for analytical writing, its 3.61. Those are, of course, average scores.  Average scores vary depending on the academic field, but applicants should score,  at a  minimum, in the 60th to 65th percentile. The 80th  percentile is a decent score, while a score at the 90th  percentile and above is excellent. The tables below indicate percentiles for each of the GREs subtest: verbal, quantitative, and writing. Each percentile represents the percentage of test-takers who scored above and below the corresponding score. So, if you scored 161 on the GRE verbal test, you would be at the 87th percentile, which is a pretty good figure. This would mean you did better than 87 percent of the people who took the test and worse than 13 percent. If you scored a 150 on your quantitative test, you would be at the 41st percentile, meaning that you did better than 41 percent of those who took the test but worse than 59 percent. Verbal Subtest Score Score Percentile 170 99 169 99 168 98 167 97 166 96 165 95 164 93 163 91 162 89 161 87 160 84 159 81 158 78 157 73 156 70 155 66 154 62 153 58 152 53 151 49 150 44 149 40 148 36 147 32 146 28 145 24 144 21 143 18 142 15 141 12 140 10 139 7 138 6 137 5 136 3 135 2 134 2 133 1 132 1 131 1 Quantitative Subtest Score Score Percentile 170 98 169 97 168 96 167 95 166 93 165 91 164 89 163 87 162 84 161 81 160 78 159 75 158 72 157 69 156 65 155 61 154 57 153 53 152 49 151 45 150 41 149 37 148 33 147 29 146 25 145 22 144 18 143 15 142 13 141 11 140 8 139 6 138 5 137 3 136 2 135 2 134 1 133 1 132 1 131 1 Analytical Writing Score Score Percentile 6.0 99 5.5 97 5.0 93 4.5 78 4.0 54 3.5 35 3.0 14 2.5 6 2.0 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 0 Tips and Advice Aim to learn vocabulary, sharpen your math skills and practice writing arguments. Learn test-taking strategies, take practice exams, and if you can, enroll in a GRE prep course. There are also some specific strategies you can use to  raise your GRE scores: Answer every question: You arent penalized for incorrect answers on the GRE as you are on other tests, such as the SAT, so theres no harm in guessing.Use the scratch paper: You will not be allowed to bring paper with you to the testing center, but you will be provided with scratch paper. Use it to help solve math problems, outline your essay, and write down formulas or vocabulary words youve memorized before the test.Use a process of elimination.  If you can rule out even one wrong answer, youll be in a much better spot for guessing if it comes to that. Additionally, try to pace yourself, spend more time on difficult questions, and dont second-guess yourself too often.  Statistics suggest that your first answer choice is usually correct as long as youve prepared well for the exam and have a solid knowledge base.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A CompanyS Current Situation Depends Heavily Upon The

A company s current situation depends heavily upon the strategies used to obtain goals. Businesses that have aspirations should incorporate basic strategies and aggressive approaches to achieve and perform efficiently. The strategies discussed in this paper are in the Walmart Company, founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. Walmart s plans for success evolved over the years while undergoing many modifications based on circumstances and management. Not only was the strategy important but the company s business model as well, which was to generate funds to cover costs while providing services and goods to clients. Walmart has confidence in the services and goods that they provide to the consumer and the lower the price, will not only attract†¦show more content†¦The friendly, helpful staff ensures that each client feels comfortable in the store and the prices are significantly lower for most items. Personally, I dislike placing my items on the checkout bend and pulling items to put in my basket. On several occasions, I have left small items and had to return to the store. Strategies that Fit the Company’s Situation Nonetheless, the strategy which is to satisfy the customer Every Day Low Prices (EDLP), fits the company. This company goes over and beyond to serve the community by providing jobs and benefits. Moreover, Walmart is known as a giving company through the Walmart Foundation, which donated over $200,000 towards the Tornado Relief and Recovery, $250,000 towards Relief and Recovery Efforts in Tennessee Wildfires, Hurricane Relief and Supports Louisiana Flood Relief. Its strategy is well-matched to the company’s internal and external situations: one stop shop. Customers can purchase at most of Walmart’s Stores, which includes Sam’s items such as tires for the automobile, clothing, electronics, jewelry, cosmetics, and medicine in one visit. In a fast-paced society and ever-changing economy, this strategy not only works for the company but the consumer as well. Walmart’s Strategies Help the Company achieve a Sustainable Competitive Edge1 Furthermore, Walmart achieves a sustainableShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs - Leadership1472 Words   |  6 Pagesapple to lead them to becoming one of the most successful companies in the current world. Steve jobs had essential skills and qualities, which made him a great leader and a visionary. Although he came from a struggling background, he had the passion and the drive initially which gave him the boost to become very successful and he also received help from a great workforce. He recovered the business by restructuring the company’s production line. This shows that he had to take critical and essential decisionsRead MoreHewlett Packard : An American Multinational Information Technology Corporation1203 Words   |  5 PagesHewlett-Packard was an American multinational information technology corporation established in 1939. In November, 2015 it split into two new companies, HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Oedipus Crime Essay Example For Students

Oedipus Crime Essay Oedipus, ruler of Thebes, murdered his father and married his mother. Such actsare almost always deemed unnatural and criminal; they are not tolerated withintraditional society. A person who has committed these illegal acts of murder andincest would be considered a criminal, yet Sophocless character, Oedipus, isnot guilty of either crime. Prior to the birth of Oedipus, a prophecy was spokenover Laius and his wife Jocasta. They were told that their son would one day behis fathers killer and would then marry his mother. In fear, King Laius andQueen Jocasta sent the baby Oedipus off with a slave to be killed. He was neverkilled, but rather was given to a childless king and queen which lovingly raisedhim. Oedipus was never factually told about his lineage. Later in his life,Oedipus was confronted by several unknown men while traveling. Uponconfrontation, Oedipus killed all but one of the men in self defense. Unknowingly, Oedipus had begun to fulfill the prophecy for one of the men hadbeen his birth father, Laius. While still traveling, Oedipus had come to thecity of Thebes. There, he saved the city from the wrath of the Sphinx by solvingher riddle. Seen as a savior by the citizens of Thebes, Oedipus was made kingand subsequently, the husband of Jocasta. Oedipus and his wife-mother ruledtogether and had four children while never knowing of the true relationshipbetween each other. As the tragedy comes to a close, the truth is revealed toOedipus concerning his lineage and unnatural actions. Although the truth hadbeen spoken to him about these matters previously, Oedipus had chosen not tobelieve and understandably so. True revelation comes to Oedipus through the sameslave that had been ordered to kill him as a baby. Since Oedipus had noknowledge of his birth parents, he cannot be accused of knowingly fulfilling theprophecy. He had no understanding of Laius as his birth father upon killing hi m. One might say that Oedipus is then guilty of murder regardless, but if he hadkilled in self defense, that cannot be true. Likewise, if Oedipus had nounderstanding of Jocasta as his birth mother, then he cannot be guilty ofincest. Neither can he be guilty of defiling Laiuss marriage bed, as he didnot know that Jocasta was the wife of the man he had murdered. Oedipus cannot beguilty of lying to the people of the city of Thebes since he did not know he wasnot speaking the truth. Unfortunately, Oedipus was the victim of destiny. Thegods caused him to fall prey to fate and injustice. According to the norms ofmodern Criminal Justice, an individual cannot be guilty of a crime that he didnot understandably commit; he cannot be guilty of a crime unless there isevidence of mens rea. A crime is defined as an act act punishable by law; a sin;a grave offense. Oedipus cannot be guilty of an act, sin or grave offense thathe did not knowingly commit.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Stars And Galaxies Essays - Spectroscopists, Stellar Astronomy

The Stars And Galaxies MEGAN JACKSON MS. KEYS SCIENCE DECEMBER 5,2000 THE STARS AND GALAXIES Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what are those bright and shiny things up there. Stars: a natural luminious body visible in the sky especially at night. A self-luminious gaseous celestial body ofgreat mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, whose shape is usually spheroidal, and whose size may be as small as the earth or larger than the earth's orbit. Galaxies: Any of the very large groups of stars and associated matter that are found throughout the universe. In 1802, William Wollaston noted that the spectrum of sunlight did not appear to be a continious band of colors, but rather had a series of dark lines superimposed on it. Wollaston attributed the lines to natural boundaries between colors. Joseph Fraunhofer made a more careful set of observations of the solar spectrum in 1814 and found some 600 dark lines, and he specifically measured the wavelenght of 324 of them. Many of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum retain the notations he created to designate them. In 1864, Sir William Huggins matched some of these dark lines in the spectra from other stars with terrestrial substances, demonstrating that the stars are made of the same materials of everyday material rather than exotic substances. This paved the way for modern spectroscopy. Since even before the discovery of the spectra, scientists had tried to find ways to catergorize stars. By observing spectra , astronomers realized that the large numbers of stars exhibit a small number of distinct patterns in their spectral lines. Classification by the spectral features quickly proved to be a powerful tool for understanding stars. The current spectral classification scheme was developed at Harvard Observatory in the early 20th century. Work was begun by Henry Draper who photographed the first spectrum of Vega in 1872. After his death, his wife donated the equipment and a sum of money to the Observatory to continue his work. The bulk of classification work was done by Annie Jump Cannon from 1918 to 1924. The original scheme used capital letters running alphabetically, but the subsequent revisions have reduced this as stellar evolution and typing has become better understood. The work was published in the Henry Draper Catalog and Henry Draper Extension which contained spectra of 225,000 stars down to ninth magnitude. The scheme is based on lines which are mainly sensitiveto stellar surface tempertures rather than actual composition differences,gravity, or luminosity. Inportant lines

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ethics in Accoutning essays

Ethics in Accoutning essays This paper will discuss the public perception of CPAs in today's society, pitfalls that they may encounter, methods to prevent some of these negative behaviors and consequences they may face should they fall short. Most "Who Do You Trust?" surveys rank politicians, lawyers, and used car salesmen at the bottom and certified public accountants at the top. That is because the CPA profession has a squeaky clean image-stereotyped as harmless men who wear thick glasses, do not speak too much, and have pocket protectors. CPAs are known and respected for their honesty. The accounting profession that goes out of its way to project that image, and there is a certain amount of truth to it. Not all accountants are fit the stereotype. Many of them are quite articulate. Some are quite lovely, and in some schools, more than half of the accounting majors are women. Also, not all CPAs are squeaky clean and respected for their honesty. Some are quite dishonest and are putting a black mark on the image of the entire profession. There is one area where the CPA profession has fallen short of protecting the public interest. The general duty that accountants owe to their clients and the other persons who are affected by their actions is to "exercise the skill and care of the ordinarily prudent accountant" in the same circumstances. Two elements compose the general duty of performance: skill and care. Another element and responsibility is owed to clients and other persons, that is that accountants should observe a standard of ethical or social responsibility. One set of difficulties concerns ethics education's ability to instill chosen values, and then to try to ensure that these values stay with the student after graduation. Instruction in accounting ethics is directed at people whose character-or lack there of-has largely been formed by the time the instruction occurs. Although such instruction should increase the moral awareness of those who are already pr...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Varieties of Linguistic Siamese Twins

10 Varieties of Linguistic Siamese Twins 10 Varieties of Linguistic Siamese Twins 10 Varieties of Linguistic Siamese Twins By Mark Nichol One of the most intriguing aspects of idiomatic phrases is their fixed nature, an aspect acknowledged in two terms for the class of idioms distinguished by the use of the conjunction and or the conjunction or between the constituent words: irreversible binomials and freezes. (They are also referred to as binomials or binomial pairs, or are identified by the colloquial expression â€Å"Siamese twins.†) Ten sometimes overlapping variations of linguistic Siamese twins (which, because they are often clichà ©s, should be used with caution) follow, including a category for triplets: 1. Binomials connected with and include â€Å"alive and well,† â€Å"nuts and bolts,† and â€Å"skin and bone.† 2. Binomials connected with or include â€Å"give or take,† â€Å"more or less,† and â€Å"win or lose.† 3. Binomials connected with other words include â€Å"dawn till dusk,† â€Å"front to back,† â€Å"head over heels.† 4. Binomials that contain opposites or antonyms include â€Å"days and nights,† â€Å"high or low,† and â€Å"up and down.† 5. Binomials that contain related words or synonyms include â€Å"house and home,† â€Å"leaps and bounds,† and â€Å"prim and proper.† 6. Binomials that contain alliteration include â€Å"friend or foe,† â€Å"rant and rave,† and â€Å"tried and true.† 7. Binomials that contain numbers include â€Å"four or five† note that the linguistic convention is to always state the lower number first (a figurative idiom is this category is â€Å"at sixes and sevens,† meaning â€Å"in a confused state†) 8. Binomials that contain similar-sounding words: â€Å"doom and gloom,† â€Å"out and about,† and â€Å"wear and tear.† This category includes rhyming slang, in which a word or phrase is slang code for a word that rhymes with the second binomial term in the phrase (even though only the first binomial term may constitute the slang) and is either random, as in minces, from â€Å"mince pies,† for eyes, or suggestive, as in trouble, from â€Å"trouble and strife,† for wife. 9. Binomials that contain exact or near repetition include â€Å"dog eat dog,† â€Å"kill or be killed,† or â€Å"neck and neck.† 10. Trinomials, which contain three terms, include â€Å"blood, sweat, and tears,† â€Å"left, right, and center,† and â€Å"win, lose, and draw.† Take care, when using these clichà ©s, to reproduce them correctly (unless you are deliberately and obviously distorting them for emphatic or humorous effect, as when referring to fashionably ripped jeans as â€Å"tear and wear†) so that erroneous usage does not have a negative impact on your overall message. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Inquire vs EnquireHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsEmpathic or Empathetic?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social economy - Essay Example There are several advantages associated with focusing on women as agents of development. There is of greater significance in a woman’s education than the man’s education. The fact that most women are uneducated, as compared men, this has had a hindrance to women having exposure and understand their worth and potential. Actually, most women who are not learned do not understand their rights to have a voice to speak on their won. Women make the highest population of people in the world and using them as agents of change is a great way of improving both economic and social life. Therefore, educating women is one of the ways of developing the world and this is possible if women have access to education and health and the issue has a significant intrinsic value. Treating both genders equally is a way of reducing gender imbalances existing in most communities. With equal education, women have enhanced capacity to contribute to the economic progress. Human capital gained throu gh education improves the levels of productivity of individuals. From many researches, women have been deprived the right to learn and this issue is quite problematic because it showers the social efficiency. The economic benefits of educating boys are equal to those of educating males. However, the social benefits gained from suing women as the agents for development is higher than those of investing to educate males are. Women education has great and powerful effects on the social efficiency. The social outcomes of focusing women as development agents’ are very high as compared to those of applying men. Kudumbasree means prosperity of the family where women orient themselves in community based poverty alleviation programme by use of micro credit and self help groups implemented in Kerala by the State Government. Grameen Bank is a bank that offers services and credit meant to develop the social economic status of Bangladesh communities. The bank

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Describe the current Australian economic situation and support your Assignment

Describe the current Australian economic situation and support your claims - Assignment Example Introduction Global Economy is experiencing one of its worst phases of history because of the widespread economic downturn. What started with the subprime mortgage crisis has now created widespread economic panic which has even resulted into the downgrade of credit ratings of the largest economy of the world. The emerging sovereign debt crisis has exposed many governments’ ability to maintain a sustainable level of debt. The Euro Zone is actively looking for new ways and means to support economies like Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy to avert their sovereign default. Considering such situation, the overall growth prospects for the world economy are suggesting a stagnant growth rate of approximately 4.5% for current year and for the year 2012 and 2013. Australian Economy however, despite such downturn managed to achieve reasonable growth rates as well as better economic performance. Growth during 2010 and 2011 remained healthy despite the fact that country faced harsh weather co nditions which slowed down economic growth. Real GDP increased by 2.7% as on Dec 2010 however, growth in household consumption remained low. It is important to note that there is a gradual increase in the inflation owing to rise in the food prices. (BBC, 2011). Increasing inflation level therefore may erode the overall economic growth of the country if it is not able to control inflation levels. The recent statistics for the unemployment level also suggest that the overall level of unemployment is increasing in the country. Figures for July 2011 suggested an unemployment rate of 5.1% which seem to have surprised many. (Zappone, 2011). Current Economic Situation in Australia As discussed above that economy of Australia posted improved performance when world was witnessing economic and financial turmoil. However, the recent data suggests that the overall economic situation may not sustain for long as there is a gradual increase in the level of inflation as well as the unemployment lev el. The overall cash rate i.e. the rate offered by Reserve Bank of Australia is held at 4.75% however, there are indications that the overall rate may further be increased due to rising inflation level. (RBA, 2011). Higher interest rates prevailing in the economy may be due to the fact that the Australia may be looking for to ensure that the inflation remain within control. The recent monetary policy issued by the central bank of the country suggests that the increase in the level of unemployment has slowed down however; it is still increasing thus causing important repercussions for the Australian economy. It is also important to understand that the overall industrial wages are also increasing in the economy thus increasing the overall burden on the firms in terms of their overall variable costs. It has also been suggested that the overall fiscal policy is being exercised in contractionary mode thus creating an environment where the demand for government purchase of goods and servi ce may decline. Such contraction therefore may result into the reduction in the overall aggregate demand in the economy and thus reduce the overall growth rates. The current performance of the economy therefore may witness further decline in the future. Important Factors One of the key challenges faced by reserve bank is the declining consumer activity within the economy. The lack of domestic demand therefore may be one of the key economic variables

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Instructional planning Essay Example for Free

Instructional planning Essay Introduction Proper planning is a core prerequisite to an effective instruction process. Teaching disabled persons poses great challenges to instructors and calls for the careful planning of a lesson so that it may meet the needs of the learners. Disabled persons have special needs occasioned by hearing impairment, vision impairment; nervous problems as well as physical movement problems, therefore any good lesson plan must make sure that children with special needs receive as much gains from the learning process as their regular students. The learning process is very important; there is a need to avail services and facilities such as walking chairs for the physically disabled, hearing devices for the hearing impairment and any other necessary facilities. Another necessary adoption teachers can make to lesson plans to make them more responsive to the needs of the disabled includes the use of technologically mediated communication through computers to aid the learning process. In all adjustments to suit lessons to the special needs of learners, cognitive needs, psychomotor needs and the affective needs of the learner must be borne in mind. From both lesson 1 and 3 it is very clear that the lesson plan is only effective for a regular class. Notably the action verbs used for the objectives such as ‘by the end of the lesson learners should learn the colors’ is biased because the students are supposed to learn by sight or observation. When the teacher uses pictures as a resource material in the lesson, it implies that only the students with visual ability can benefit. The lesson can be adjusted to cater for the disabled and especially the visually impaired by deemphasizing the color aspect of the pictures and concentrating on shapes and texture which can effectively guide a disabled student to meet the lesson objectives. Another objective in lesson 1 and 3 requires the student to participate in physical activity. This again favors the students who are physically normal but it portends a challenge to the physically disabled to which physical activity may be a barrier to the learning process. The lessons can be adapted to suit the disabled students by only choosing the physical activities that the disabled can participate in or availing the necessary equipment to aid the physical activities. The lesson plans involve a lot of drawing and writing activities something that may be a barrier and a challenge at the same time to the physically disabled. Some students are not able to draw or write while others may not be able to even hold a pencil or crayon. Further, the lesson activities involve the use of music that is again insensitive to the hearing impaired. To make the lesson fully useful to the disabled students, the lesson plans should incorporate only special types of music which is responsive to the needs of the hearing impaired. The other key instrument to the lesson involves use of Braille or special computers, use of special needs expert to assist in the lessons as well as the strict use of materials that are responsive to the needs of the disabled learners. The other adaptation of teachers or disabled children is to involve a lot of games in the lesson plans activities. The games can help children to discover their ability to serve in spite of their challenges (Basil, Reys, 2003). As a principle, every lesson plan should be a fit-all type of lesson plan to cater for different disabilities of the disabled students. Conclusion For a lesson plan to be effective, it has to bear in mind the cognitive, affective and psychomotor needs of disabled students. There is a need for teachers to design lesson plans factoring in the special needs of the disabled students so as to give such an equal opportunity as their regular counterparts. Only making changes to the lesson plan to reflect the needs of disabled learners can help teachers achieve learning objectives. References Basil, C. Reys, S. (2003). Acquisition of literacy skills by children with severe disability. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, vol. 19, no. 1.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Slaves Soul Runs Deep Essay -- essays papers

A Slaves Soul Runs Deep A Slave’s Soul Runs Deep The poem ‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers’ by Langston Hughes is about a man with a vast knowledge and understanding of rivers. The first two sentences of the poem are similar, as in both Hughes states, ‘I’ve known rivers’. From this the reader gathers that this man has been around rivers and probably lived around rivers. He talks about different experiences he has had on four different rivers. For example he says, ‘I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young’ and this gives the impression that he was around long ago when the river was just starting to form. Another quote, ‘I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans’ shows a passage of time from the first quote as this historically places him in a much more modern time frame. On an unobjective level I think that this is a poem about different rivers that Hughes feels attached to for some unexplained reason. However, based on a close read ing I would argue through the explication approach that this poem can be seen in a different light. While some may argue otherwise, I believe that on an explicative level Hughes is creating a comparison between his soul and the rivers. In taking a closer look at many different aspects such as genre, my close reading interpretation, and outside research I have reached a conclusion. I have discovered that Hughes did a wonderful job of describing the slave experience as seen through his soul and the souls of all others who have experienced slavery. I believe that Hughes’ poem is oral. It seems to read as if he is passionately reciting to some fictional audience. It makes sense for his presentation to be oral as he is describing his history as well as the... ...eaks of Rivers’. This clearly demonstrates how truly important the issue of slavery was to him and how his life had become symbolized by the poem. This poem at first seemed straightforward to me. As I read it more closely and thought about it more I began to put bits and pieces together. I think Hughes has done a wonderful job of describing the slave experience, from the beginning of his narrative to the end, which is when he starts to realize that a brighter future might exist. The way it was written made me really think about what it was Hughes was trying to say. This poem made me realize that a great many people suffered as slaves. These people lived their whole lives in this capacity, most without hope of any change of status. I felt like I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle and it was a good feeling when I finally saw what I believe Hughes wanted me to see.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is Death of a Salesman A Modern Tragedy? Essay

In â€Å"Death of a Salesman†, the main character Willy Loman is epitome of a tragic hero as he is surrounded by various elements of tragedy. These Elements strip him of his dignity as he struggles to clinch his rightful position in the world. Arthur Miller uses corrupted society, a bad view of success, and delusional dreams, to create a path to Willy’s downfall. Willy’s destruction is calamitous, and did not have to happen. He had many opportunities to live a good life that he just failed to grasp, and he would get lost in a moment of joy. The intercity of this tragedy comes from the actual viewing of these failed attempts in finding happiness and a good life. One of the main forces that destroyed Willy Loman, is Willy Loman himself. Despite all other elements of tragedy in the story, Willy ultimately destroys himself, as his tragic flow slowly kills his existence. Willy enormously cogitates the concept that connections, and linked pasts can provide him with the future, as he as a salesman desires. Willy’s perception of what he could be, or should be, contradicts what he actually is. He sees himself as a success. However, we see Willy as a tired old salesman with a vintage view of society. Willy’s entire identity is tied up with an image of what a salesman should be. One of the most important causes of Willy’s suffering is the great villain of most modern writing in the realist vein – Society. Willy Loman is constantly trying to find the key to progressing into a genuine success, but the society prohibits his discovery. He suffers from the obsession of how he is observed by other people, and he blames his lack of victory, and a diversity of shallow personal traits like his weight: â€Å"I’m fat†¦.a salesman I know, as I was going to see a buyer, I heard him say something about walrus.† The fact that people do not take him seriously: â€Å"I know it, when I walk in, they seem to laugh at me.† His wardrobe: â€Å"I know I got to overcome it. I am not dressing to advantage maybe. The control of the amount of talking he does: â€Å"I don’t k now why – I can’t stop my self – I talk too much. A man ought to come in a few words. One thing about Charley, he is a man of a few words, and they respect him. † He uses all those excuses to explain his failure. In all reality, much of his failure results from his inability to recognise he world for what it really is – the professional world no longer dependant on contacts, or smooth talking, but focuses on specially skilled knowledgeable citizens. Willy Loman is a dreamer caught in a society ruled by machinery, rivalry, and the standard of getting ahead at any cost. In Willy’s early years as a salesman, success could be achieved by personality, kindness, and honesty alone. In a later years of his career, a salesman’s success comes to all those who are equipped with training and specialty. This is what Willy claims. Because Willy does not recognise these changes in terms of success, and it is at loss for those qualities, he is doomed to a failure in a world that demands such qualities. For his customers he struggles to be jovial yet dignifi ed salesman. For his sons he tries to be the firm, yet indulgent and protective father. For his wife, he wishes to be ever dependable breadwinner. He feels that in order to make success, he must be responsive to the demands of others, and make a good impression. He longs to be not just liked, but well liked, and he thinks this is a key to success in America. He longs to be like Ben, his brother, who has a life story that consists of: â€Å"I walked into the jungle, I was seventeen. When I walked out I was twenty-one. And by God, I was rich.† Willy looks up to Ben a lot, but this might be another one of his illusions, which he has created in his head. We never find that out. One of the saddest aspects of this play is even as we know Willy’s view of success is twisted, and distorted. Willy feels betrayed because he can not achieve the goals society has set for him. We see that especially in his younger years. Willy has never been able to achieve these goals and become successful. Linda tells us this as she reveals: â€Å"I don’t say he is a great man. Willy has never made a lot of money. His name was never in the papers. He is not the finest character that ever lived†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.A small man can just be as exhausted as a great man. Willy simply does not realise that personality and friendship are not enough to become who he dreams. This is evident as he is fired by his boss, and receives the information with disbelief: â€Å"I was just fired†¦.Imagine that†¦.I named him. Willy convinces Biff that anyone confident enough, gorgeous, and born leader, such as Biff himself has the right to set the rules in life. Willy is convinced th at he is famous because of his career. He talks of going to New England on a summer trip and explains to his boys that: â€Å"they know me up and down in new England. I have friends. I can park my car in any street in New England, and the cops protect it like their own.† When he refers to his yet to come funeral, he proudly insists: â€Å"That funeral will be massive. They’ll come from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire. All the old timers with the strange licence plates – that boy will be struck. He has never realised – I am known.† The truth is that nobody showed up for his funeral, but his family and two friends. Willy even gets caught in a delusion of forming his own business one day: â€Å"Someday, I’ll have my own business, and I’ll never have to leave home any more.† For a disillusioned salesman in his sixties who can hardly complete simple tasks such as driving the mile down the road, this dream is on a brink of impossible. Willy refuses to realise that his sons are not all he has envisaged. Even as Biff tries to tell his father that he has failed miserably at an interview with Bill Oliver, Willy refuses to believe him, and even conjures up on imaginary lunch date to finalise Biff’s â€Å"success.† Eventually it is Biff who develops a keen understanding of his father, and urges Willy to drop the dreams which are holding him back, and threatening to destroy his life as he cries: â€Å"Willy you take that phoney dream, and burn it before something happens!† Willy is broken by what is false within him. He has been betrayed by the dreams that he invented for himself, but can not achieve. Every dream he has ever made for himself seems to have been pulled out from underneath him, leaving him floored and desperate. He longs for something to hold on to in life. He longs for something to make his life worth living. Willy spends much of his life dreaming, and though he brings much of his terror on himself by his dreams, a piercing sympathy rips through one’s heart as he completely lets go of life. After his death, Charley attempts to justify Willy’s constant and unrealistic dreaming by remarking â€Å"Nobody dast blame this man. You don’t understand: Willy was a salesman. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory† In the end, Willy’s tragedy lies as much in the bringing down of his dreams as in the bringing down of the man. In some curious way, his dreams just might have been the best part of the man. Willy’s other son, Happy, determines to make his fathers dreams come true one way or the other as he boldly states that â€Å"I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have – to come out number-one man. He fought it out here, and this is where I’m gonna win it for him†. There is a bit of truth to this statement: Willy Loman did not die in vain – not completely anyway. Even though Willy was truly ready to lay down his own life, his death is seen as a triumphant revenge upon the dreams that have broken him. On his funeral, those who loved Willy, take a moment to pay a tribute to him. Biff proclaims the mistakenness of Willy’s ambitions. Having learned from his fathers sacrifice, he decides to head west again. Happy, as feeling in duty to his father, will stay behind in the hope of licking the system on its own terms. Charley rhapsodises the meaning and value that survives the defeat; and Linda utters the simple human grief of one who, without thought, loved. Linda is traumatized by Willy’s death. His suicide has baffled her; She cannot understand why he ended his own life. Just as Willy, she has struggled in life as she continuously attempted to keep the family together with what little money Willy brought home. She spends much time and effort adding up bills, encouraging Willy to ask for a â€Å"well-deserved† raise, and overall making ends meet. She has finally managed to pay off the house payments as the play draws to a close. â€Å"Help me, Willy, I can’t cry. It seems to me that you’re just on another trip. I keep expecting you. Willy, dear, I can’t cry. Why did you do it? I search and search and I can’t understand it, Willy. I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear. And there’ll be nobody home. We’re free and clear. We’re free. We’re free†¦ We’re free†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . It seems that Linda, like the reader, understands that Willy’s disintegration did not have to happen. She realizes that the downfall has been tragic, just as Willy’s life. She knows that the joy and the promise of the right way of life were there for Willy, and she knows that he just missed it. But, despite the grieving done by his family, Willy finally achieves one of his numerous dreams as he is remembered, loved, and a guide for people. Though Willy’s life was a life of frustrated hopes and unfulfilled dreams, it is why we revere this tragedy in the highest. Tragedy is the most accurately balanced portrayal of the human being in his struggle for happiness, and that is why tragedies truly portray us. And that is why tragedy must not be diminished: It is the most perfect means we have of showing us who and what we are. As we watch Willy struggle for himself throughout this tragedy, we come to understand what we must strive to become.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Psychological negative effects of MRSA

Erasures was treatable with penicillin until the sass's, in 1959 when more the 90-95% of all strains became resistant it was treated with nonmetallic, a stronger form of antibiotic that was used to treat gram positive bacteria. This In turn because resistant to all strains of the bacterium. Nonmetallic is no longer used today but the term for MRS. is still used. Colonization: The organism Is superficially carried on the skin, in the nose, etc. People are not sick and do not require antibiotics.Infection: A person has a clinical Infection with the organism e. G. Wound Infection, skepticism, urinary Infection etc. Infected persons usually require systemic antibiotics. MRS. is transmitted through skin to skin contact and is carried by 2% of the human population. MRS. rate is very high in New Zealand. There are two types of MRS., HA- MRS. hospital or health care acquired and CA-MRS. community acquired. The most common means of transmission is in a health care environment as patients hav e lower immune systems and are weak.MRS. in hospitals and other care settings is easily spread as hygiene practices are not up to scratch from patient/ nurse contact and hygiene with surgical wounds and other intensive devices such as catheters and feeding tubes. Community acquired MRS. can be found in healthy patients that have not been hospitalized. Many patients of MRS. do not understand their infection and its ways of transmission; this can lead to feelings of astigmatism and fear. MRS. itself cannot have any direct psychological impact on patients with MRS. but is in fact other people's attitudes and the patient's perception of scrutiny.Research has hon. that contact with infected hospital patients on average drops by 22% when a person id diagnosed with MRS.. Isolation techniques in infection control are no longer used as they can cause psychosocial effects for patients and their families and Interfere with the home-like atmosphere that a nurse is trying to establish. For these reasons, a system called Body Substance Precautions (BSP) was developed. It focuses on keeping all moist body substances, (blood, feces, urine, wound drainage, tissues, oral secretions, and other body fluids) from the hands of personnel.This Is accomplished through hand washing and Increased glove use Shown Ms Fairly retirement village where my patient resides has a policy for MRS. and Infection control from the Missouri department of health and senior services section for living term care and the advisory committee on Infection prevention and control. Their infection control guidelines for long term care facilities have an emphasis on body substance precautions. BSP provides a consistent approach to managing body substances from ALL residents and is essential in preventing transmission of potentially infectious agents. Specific situation for the overall reasonable exposure risk associated with the task. Risk factors that should be included in the evaluation include: Type of body f luid with which there is or will be contact. Volume of blood/body substances likely to be encountered Reasonable anticipation of exposure; e. G. , â€Å"will my hands touch the resident's secretions? † Probable route of exposure; I. E. , hand contact, airborne, droplet, splashing Microbe concentration in fluid or tissue. Some safety precautions include: Gloves,Handwriting ,Face and Eye Protection ,Apron or Gown Sharps Handling and Disposal ,Employee Health ,Handling Laboratory Specimens, Soiled Linen ,Disposal of Regulated Waste From Resident's Rooms, Environmental Cleaning, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPRM) , Resident Placement, Activity Restriction and the Use of Private Rooms for Infection Prevention and Control , Physician's Role in Implementing the Body Substance Precautions System, Role of Nurses and Other Health Care Workers in Implementing the Body, Substance Precautions System, Precautions for Residents With Airborne Diseases.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Use Of imagery And Sensory Impression In The Rime Of Ancient Mariner

Use Of imagery And Sensory Impression In The Rime Of Ancient Mariner Use of imagery as a stylistic device has well been elucidated in the Rime of ancient mariner by Coleridge. Coleridge has employed different imagery techniques to bring life to his work (Dean 47). He has employed use of metaphors in several instances (Coleridge 2). Similes, alliteration, assonance and consonance have also been given a place in his work. Coleridge has strived to utilize both descriptive and figurative language to invoke sensory imagination in the minds of the readers as well as breathe some air into his work.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Use Of imagery And Sensory Impression In ‘The Rime Of Ancient Mariner’ specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The above imagery techniques have been explored in every section and throughout the poem to energize the work and move beyond just a mere study of language. In part I, the first paragraph, the metaphor â€Å"By thy long grey beard and glittering eyeà ¢â‚¬  has been used by Coleridge† to create a visualization in the minds of the readers on the nature of the character’s eye and hair (Coleridge 1). Coleridge also tries to make the reader visualize the body of the character how he/she looks like and seek to form questions in their mind concerning the health of the person when he says â€Å"he holds â€Å"He holds him with his skinny hand† (3). Coleridge strives to bring in another new imagery device known as similes when he says â€Å"And listens like a three years child† (Coleridge 5). This explains the degree of attentiveness of the character. It also tries to breathe some life in the play. Moreover, the writer blows in new air in his work when he repeatedly use sound T in the following sentence â€Å"The Weddings of these devices are â€Å"And the good south wind still blew behind, the silence of the sea† (11). In addition, similes have also been applied in this part of the play â€Å"As id le as a painted ship†. Coleridge uses this device to bring out meaning of what he intends to communicate to the audience. It further makes the audience happy and proceeds to hear what the writer is communicating. Metaphor also comes up in this part, although it is not applied severally as the other two â€Å"Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs† (12). Coleridge further portrays more use of imagery in part III, he capitalizes on use of personification to enhance his language, bring taste to his work and fully describe the characters, scene and the setting as well as creating imagination in minds of the audience. This figure is well explicated than other stylistic devices in this part. However the writer uses similes, metaphor, consonance and assonance in this part to create more meaning to his work and activate audience to keep going and get more from the play. Example of this are simile, â€Å"And the balls like pulses bea†. Consonance repetition of sound B â₠¬Å"Her beams bemocked the sultry main† is also evident. Assonance repetition of sound O â€Å" sweet sounds rose slowly through their mouths† can be picked out. The author continues to navigate further on various imagery devices in part IV. In this part, he gives more attention on metaphors than other devices to give life to his work. This creates a vivid description of the characters and the scene hence making the audience have a clear visualization of the same. Example of this is â€Å"I fear thee and thy glittering eye† (Coleridge 15).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Use Of imagery And Sensory Impression In ‘The Rime Of Ancient Mariner’ specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Coleridge radiates more figurative language in part V of the play. He gives more emphasis on the use of similes and metaphors than other stylistic devices to describe the appearance of the character hence making the audience have a vivid picture of the character and the scene example of the similes. In this part is â€Å"They raised their limbs like lifeless tools† metaphors have also been used. More of these stylistic devices continue to be explored in part VI. The author uses similes, metaphor and consonance respectively to create a vivid description of the characters, â€Å"Still as a slave before his lord, His great bright eye most silently, sweetly, sweetly blew the breeze†. Coleridge has extensively used the five human senses to strike a balance of what he strives to communicate to his audience. He has mostly employed use of sight and hearing than touch, taste and smell to effectively enlighten the audience. In the Part 1 of the play he uses sight expansively to vividly describe the character, setting and the scene. He also uses the same to draw audience into his work as well as enable them to create extensive description and imagination of the plays and try to fictionalize the same. Example of the places where the sense has been applied is â€Å"By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, The Bridegrooms doors are opened wide, with sloping masts and dipping prow, Glimmered the white Moon of this is in part I, stanza eight of the play â€Å"The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast† part II, stanza seven â€Å"The silence of the sea† part III â€Å"With far of this part I, stanza 10 â€Å"And it grew wondrous cold†. The writer doesn’t make good use of taste and smell senses in his work as compared to the others. However, he endeavors to us an element of this to create feeling and imagination in the minds of the audience as well as successfully tailor his message. Example of this is in part V where he uses taste when he says â€Å"Sweet sounds rose slowly through their mouths† (Bloom 220).Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Coleridge seemed to adopt more application of visual sense in his work as compared to the other four. He has employed this style in every stanza of the play. Coleridge may have opted for the style as it seem to be the most effective in creating colorful description of the characters, scene and the setting. He also uses this to give a chance to the readers to picture the scene in detail. Bloom, Harold. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010. Print. Coleridge, Samuel. The Rime of Ancient Mariner in Seven Parts, Middlesex: The Echo Library Publishers, 2007. Print. Dean, Nancy. Voice Lessons: Classroom Activities to teach Diction, Imagery, Syntax  and Tone, New York: Maupin House Publishing, 2000. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Network Architecture in Entrepreneurship

Network Architecture in Entrepreneurship Free Online Research Papers The significance of networks as integral part of the explanation of entrepreneurial accomplishment is widely accredited. Ethernet, wireless LAN, WAN, MAN, ADSL, cable modem and dialup are common access networks, but have significantly diverse characteristics. Fast and accurate taxonomy of access network type can perk up protocol or application performance drastically. In this paper I make a distinction between large and small business enterprises on basis of network structural design. This distinction is introduced as a contingency in the way networks contribute to the capability of the industries to ascertain opportunities, to acquire resources, and to achieve authenticity. 1. INTRODUCTION The network of an enterprise plays a significant role in the search for latest opportunities and the quest for resources. In this paper I’m interested in comparing network architecture of two organization and their usage features. I will research extensively in order to find the best possible network for: ? A small business or a medium sized office ? A large business 2. NETWORK DEFINITION: Information system executed with a group of interconnected nodes. Computers on a network are called nodes. There are several diverse ways to network computers together. There are numerous types of computer networks, including: ? Local-area networks (LANs): The computers are physically close together (in the same building). ? Wide-area networks (WANs): The computers are farther apart and are linked by telephone lines or radio waves. 3. NETWORK RELATIONSHIP TYPES The term network relationship refers to two different concepts concerning how one computer utilizes computer resources of another computer over a network. Two fundamental types of network relationships exist: ? Peer-to-peer ? Client/server These two types of network association describe the very configuration of a network. For instance, a peer-to-peer network is to a great extent similar to a company run by decentralised management philosophy, where decisions are made locally and resources are managed according to the primarily urgent requirements. A client/server network is further like a company that works on centralised management, where decisions are made in a central site by a rather small group of individuals. Circumstances exist where both peer-to-peer and client/server relationships are suitable and several networks have features of both kinds contained in them. Both types of networks necessitate a physical network link between the computers and the same network protocols are to be used. There is no differentiation amid the two types of network association at this point. The disparity transpires when you extend the shared network resources around to entire computers on the network or employ a centralised network server(s). 4. NETWORK STRUCTURE IN SMALL ORGANIZATION LAN: Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a reasonably small area. Most LANs are restricted to a sole building or group of buildings. Most LANs connect workstations and personal computers. Each node (individual computer ) in a LAN has its own CPU with which it executes programs, but it also is capable to access data and devices everywhere on the LAN. This means that several users can share high-priced devices, such as laser printers and at the same time data as well. Users can also utilize the LAN to communicate with each other. This distinctive characteristic on a wired LAN offers unbounded bandwidth on the network by allocating a separate broadband connection to be connected to each Complex Broadband Router on the network. 5. NETWORK DESIGN IN LARGE ORGANIZATION: WAN: Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network that envelops a broad area (i.e., every network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional, or national borders). Or, a network that uses routers and public communications links. Compared with personal area networks (PANs), local area networks (LANs), campus area networks (CANs), or metropolitan area networks (MANs) which are typically restricted to a room, building, campus or specific metropolitan area (e.g., a city) correspondingly. The major and most recognized illustration of a WAN is the Internet. WANs are built to offer communication key for organisations or people who require exchanging digital information involving two places. The chief function of a WAN is to provide consistent, swift and secure communication among two or more places through small delays and at low costs. WANs facilitate an organisation to have one fundamental network amid all its departments and offices, even if they are not all in the identical environment. WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks simultaneously, so that users and computers at one place can communicate with users and computers at other locations. Many WANs are designed for one specific organization and are personal. Others, built by Internet service providers, supply connections from an organizations LAN to the Internet. WANs are often built via leased lines. At every end of the leased line, a router connects to the LAN on one side and a hub within the WAN on the other. Leased lines can be incredibly costly. As a substitute of using leased lines, WANs can also be built using less expensive circuit switching or packet switching techniques. Network protocols including TCP/IP send transport and addressing tasks. Protocols together with Packet over SONET/SDH, MPLS, ATM and Frame relay are frequently used by service providers to distribute the links that are used in WANs. X.25 was an significant early on WAN protocol, and is well thought-out to be the grandf ather of Frame Relay as countless of the basic protocols and functions of X.25 are still in use today (with upgrades) by Frame Relay. Research Papers on Network Architecture in EntrepreneurshipThe Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThree Concepts of PsychodynamicRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalHip-Hop is Art

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Describe three economic issues concerning President Obama's Health Research Paper

Describe three economic issues concerning President Obama's Health Care Plan - Research Paper Example The first source is directly from the White House and considers the economic benefits of President Barack Obama’s health care plan. As it is directly related to the President it is undoubtedly slanted; however, it also is important in that it directly reflects the White House perspective on the economics of health care reform. The White House argues that the health care plan will make health care more affordable for Americans. It argues this will occur since the health care plan will provide significant tax cuts for middle class Americans. These tax cuts are intended to reduce the premium costs of over ten million families, as well as millions of small businesses. In all, the article argues that this helps, â€Å"32 million Americans afford health care who do not get it today – and makes coverage more affordable for many more. Under the plan, 95% of Americans will be insured.† (White House, Web) In addition to the specified benefits, the White House argues that there are a number of other benefits that can be derived from the recently passed health care bill. The arguments are that the health care reform bill will establish a competitive environment among health insurance companies that will further reduce costs and improve quality of service. In addition it is intended to give many Americans the same quality of service that many members of Congress have. It is also intended to bring more accountability to health insurance companies, as the rules will require more transparency and accountability. Furthermore, it notes – and this indeed is one of the major issues that concerns the economic status of Obama’s motivation for health care reform – namely that individuals with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health care coverage. Finally, the site argues that this reform will set the country on the right path for economic success. While

Friday, November 1, 2019

Psychology of Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychology of Learning - Essay Example By definition, psychomotor skills refer to how the physical body responds to stimuli found in the environment. These are complex movements born out of repeated practice of various actions (e.g., driving, typing, or throwing a ball), and are measured to check an individual's ability and development. Motivation and practice frequency are the most important factors of the psychomotor domain, as well as feedback gained from experience. Here, motivation is considered to be the top consideration, because it has been proven that motivation helps increase one's speed and ability (Think Quest). Cognition is the general term to define an individual's capacity to glean and process knowledge from ideas presented to him. In fact, when Wilhelm Wundt established his laboratory in 1879 to identify and analyze human thought processes, the pioneering effort was considered the birth of modern psychology. In this domain, introspective feedback is deemed the most essential-the effect of learning as validated by one's own thoughts. The commonly-known idea of information processing falls in this category, as it studies the capability of the human mind to process specific ideas and contexts. The iconic psychologist Benjamin Bloom designed the Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain, primarily to classify and evaluate various learning objectives in the realm of experience and identification of knowledge. On a more process-oriented level, Jean Piaget developed his own theory of cognitive development that analyzes how the human mind adapts to both abstract and symbolic thinking (Huitt, 2006). On the other hand, the affective domain of learning ascribes its history and significance to the importance of emotion. It has been acknowledged how emotion can be complex, and that it can completely affect not just one's social and personal development but plays a major role in intellectual maturity as well. Studies have proven that some of the brain's particular parts are directly associated with emotion, and through this discovery, the concept of emotional intelligence was recognized. It is important to define certain terms, often loosely used in everyday language: 1. Emotion is the result of one's mental application in processing feelings and relationships. 2. Emotions are mainly experiences, always subjective, that may include several parts-from physical, expressive, and subjective connotations. (Huitt, 2003). The significance of emotions in the learning process is definite and whole, a complete area of the process through which advancement may depend. Learning is adjudged to be in progress and working towards specific goals when these three domains are in place and are noted. Education, received in school, is the structured management of each factor, that points to achieving full mental and physical maturity. In this light, the college level is assumed to hold individuals of complete development in all domains. However, it is also at this time when a person, judging from his or her psychomotor, cognitive and affective skills, shows preference for specific areas. This is where a new branch of learning comes in, one that caters to multiple intelligences. Developed by Howard Gardner, this refers to, literally, an array of intelligences, that declares how each individual excels in various areas-and one cannot be deemed more intelligent than the other, just by

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lab Management Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lab Management Software - Research Paper Example (Erhabor & Adias, 2012, p.  xx) Key features included in Lab Management software (but not limited to) are workflow, data searching, flexible architecture, efficient data exchange interfaces, and remotely accessible. (Azad, Auer, & Harward, 2012, p.  xx) These features completely "support its use in synchronized environments." These features and uses of Lab Management Software have shown advancement over the years from straightforward sample searching to an ERP tool that administers several features of laboratory processes. Lab Management Software is dynamic because of the evolving requirements of the modern laboratories. These requirements are evolving rapidly and vary from lab to lab. For this reason definition of LMS eventually depends on the interpretation by the entities or groups involved. A Laboratory Management System (LMS) is management software that enables us to efficiently manage samples and associated data to develop lab effectiveness. It automates flow of work, integrates equipments, and manages data and associated information. Labs using LMS increase their level of professionalism and their ability to meet up the requirements of customers in two ways. One is LMS helps labs produce precise and reproducible results quicker and more reliably and second is LMS helps lab to evaluate and improve operational efficiency by making data from sequential processes making it easier to store, quicker to track, and assess over time and across experiments. Some of the most familiar challenges may include; managing with the ongoing and significant increase in the throughput and volume of data associated with processing. Finding scalable methods to arrange and track samples and linked information. Managing connections between samples and linked information from the moment samples enter the lab to when data is processed. Reducing time expense that was spent during manual processing of samples. Storing and reproducing information associated

Monday, October 28, 2019

Slave Ship Essay Example for Free

Slave Ship Essay Rediker’s concern for the individual lived experiences of the participants in the trade is aided immensely by his command of the history of what life at sea is like. While scholars have been using the narrative of Olaudah Equiano to illuminate the experiences of enslavement for decades (Burnside and Robotham 1997), chapter 8 of The Slave Ship titled â€Å"The Sailor’s Vast Machine† contains a learned and astute description of work and suffering at sea. What sticks out is violence, and the shocking degree to which physical and emotional terror was used as a tool for control and psychosexual masochism. Rediker rightly points out that both captives and crew were being exploited by the captain, officers, and sponsors of slave ship voyages, without going so far as to suggest that the sailors somehow had it worse than the slaves. Far from it; Rediker makes clear the degree to which the nascent concept of â€Å"race† was lived out onboard, and relates truly debauched tales of rape, torture, concubinage, and murder of essentially helpless children. Anthropologically inclined readers will find much of interest in chapter 9 of Rediker’s book, titled â€Å"From Captives to Shipmates. The argument is of course not new; Mintz and Price raised it in the 1970’s as have others. In this chapter Rediker discusses favored anthropology themes such as resistance, revolt, music, dance, and other dimensions of the ethnogenesis of African-American culture. On page 305 he observes Slowly, in ways surviving documents do not allow us to see in detail, the idiom of kinship broadened, from immediate family to messes, to workmates, to friends, to countrymen and –women, to the whole of the lower deck. And in so observing, Rediker has given underwater archaeologists of the slave trade and the slave ship a research agenda. It’s an agenda with which I happen to agree and that I have discussed in greater detail elsewhere (McGhee 2007). Rediker ends his book with a discussion of the fight to end the slave trade and with the moving testimony of cast-off and dying sailors being cared for by enslaved people in Caribbean ports. He writes, â€Å"Theirs was the most generous and inclusive conception of humanity I discovered in the course of my research for this book. † I wonder what conceptions of humanity continue to motivate certain anti-treasure hunting nautical archaeologists. The Henrietta Marie and Fredensborg remain the two most representative archaeological examples of slave ships in existence. The former, first located in the water by Moe Molinar a Panamanian of African descent in the employ of treasure hunter Mel Fisher, is particularly important. Yet it took an African-American recreational SCUBA diving club, the National Association of Black SCUBA Divers, to denote and demonstrate that shipwreck’s importance and to bring its significance to wide attention. Properly trained nautical archaeologists still won’t publicly touch that wreck with a ten-foot pole.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Descriptive Statistics: Raw Data Essay -- Data Analysis, Standard Dev

Several things can be done to the raw data in order to see what they can say about the hypotheses (Neuman, 2003). An inspection of the raw data can be done by using the descriptive statistics to find obvious coding errors. The minimum and maximum values for each variable must fall within the admissible range. Pairwise correlations depict that all relationships must be in the expected direction. Meanwhile, listwise deletion of missing values indicates that the data can be used for analysis. An outlier is an observation that is unusually small or large. Outliers assist researchers in detecting coding errors. According to Bagozzi and Baumgartner (1994), outliers are not recommended to be routinely excluded from further analysis. Data collected were analyzed by using three approaches: 1. Cronbach’s alpha (a) was used to test the reliability. Cronbach’s alpha indicates how well the items in a set are positively correlated to one another. This is to make sure that the scales are free of random or unstable errors and produce consistent results over time (Cooper & Schindler, 1998); 2. Descriptive statistics where the researcher used mean, standard deviation and variance to get an idea on how the respondents reacted to the items in the questionnaire. The major concern of descriptive statistics is to present information in a convenient, usable and understandable form (Runyon & Audry, 1980). Descriptive summary, including frequency and descriptive, was used to screen the data set. Among basic statistics to use were mean, median, mode, sum, variance, range, minimum, maximum, skewness and kurtosis. 3. Inferential statistics concerned with generalizing from a sample to make estimates and inferences about a wider population (Neuman, 2003... ....e. more than 30 (Hair et al., 2006). Sekaran (2003) suggests the approximation to normality of the observed variables could be investigated by inspecting the data through histograms, stem-and leaf displays, probit plots and by computing univariate and multivariate measures of skewness and kurtosis. Histograms, stem-and-leaf and probit plots indicate the symmetric distribution of variables or sets of variables. Tabachnick and Fidell (1996) suggest the value of skewness and kurtosis is equal to zero if the distribution of a variable is normal. Chou and Bentler (1995) emphases the absolute values of univariate skewness indices greater than 3 can be described as extremely skewed. Meanwhile, a threshold value of kurtosis greater than 10 can be considered problematic and value greater than 20 can be considered as having serious problems (Hoyle, 1995; Kline, 1998).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gang violence Essay

â€Å"Once found principally in large cities, violent street gangs now affect public safety, community image, and quality of life in communities of all sizes in urban, suburban, and rural areas. No region of the United States is untouched by gangs. Gangs affect society at all levels, causing heightened fears for safety, violence, and economic costs† (In The Spotlight) As the quote above shows, gangs and everything that goes with them has spread all over the United States and is now one of the major issues the U.S. faces. There are estimated to be about twenty-nine thousand, four hundred gangs and seven hundred fifty six thousand gang members all throughout the U.S. Also, there are thousands of other gang members illegally crossing the U.S. borders, mostly from Central America. Each gang differs in some way but however, â€Å"A common definition for a gang is a group of three or more individuals who engage in criminal activity and identify themselves with a common sign or name † (Barbour 9). The main problem in the U.S. is not the actual gangs, but it is the drugs that they involve themselves with. The drugs only bring violence and problems. The main purpose of many gangs today is not to rule turf or power but to get money by smuggling drugs over the borders and then selling them. Gang activity and violence is occurring all over the U.S. every day, mainly caused by the involvement of illegal narcotics, if this country wants to stop the gangs, it needs to completely cut off the smuggling and trafficking of drugs from Central America into the U.S. by combining different government agencies of different levels to prevent the gangs from entering the U.S. and growing and also to create prevention programs and groups to control it at a more localized level where the issues are the most pressing. Gangs are smuggling over the U.S. borders and it is causing more problems than the government can handle. The main source of drugs is coming from Central America, where the most predominant number of gangs is located. Many gangs are focused only on smuggling different types of drugs into the U.S. and it is the one way to sustain a constant source of income. This is very appealing to any youth who wants money and that is why the number of gang members is growing so rapidly. â€Å"The transnational gangs are located in over 300 cities and 40 states across the country and are becoming a serious  threat to the national security of the United States† (Farah). Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is the most dangerous gang in the U.S. today and is not even native to the U.S. The homeland of MS-13 is in El Salvador. El Salvador is the most highly gang populated country in Central America. Some other gang-infested countries are Guatemala and Honduras. There are about ten thousand MS-13 members in the U.S. alone and about forty thousand members in Central America. Unfortunately, these numbers are still on the rise. MS-13 recruits members at a very young age, which keeps a steady growth in members. The idea of a better family and brotherhood, but also money, is very appealing to any kid who is struggling at home. MS-13 accounts for the majority of drug distribution from Central America and is the focal point that needs to be attended to if this problem is going to be solved. Another main problem with the drugs is how large of an impact they have on the people because they only add to the already existing problems for society. Also, violence and drugs go hand in hand, which is why they are so involved within the gangs. Violence is always involved with gangs, but with the addition of drugs, the violence can intensify to a level where nothing can be done. This causes the gangs to be much harder to deal with. One main problem is that the American society hates the gangs but loves the drugs and will continue to buy drugs no matter where they are coming from. This makes it even more difficult to deal with. The drugs find a way to enter the lives of people from all of American society. For instance, they have been involved in different businesses and been the cause of murders, including celebrities. â€Å"Gangs have a large involvement in the rap industry and are related to the murders of Tupac Shakkur and Biggie Smalls† (Smith, â€Å"Gangs†). Tup ac Shakkur and Biggie Smalls were two iconic rappers of their time but sadly, gangs found a way into their lives and ended up causing both of their deaths. The drugs and violence become so intertwined into society, that now they are very hard to remove and a resolution to this problem needs to be found. There are many different processes that are being implemented now to stop this problem. An example is that groups and programs are being formed to fight back against the gangs. The Arizona Corridor has proven to be one of  the busiest places for gang smuggling and trafficking. There was a group formed to prevent it called IIMPACT Arizona. â€Å"IIMPACT Arizona! is a multi-agency project that is managed by the Gang and Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission (GIITEM) and designed to address rising crime associated with illegal immigration.† (Gang and Immigration Enforcement) IIMPACT is acronym that stands for â€Å"Illegal Immigration Prevention and Apprehension Co-op Teams† (Gang and Immigration Enforcement). IIMPACT is a program where local, state and federal police forces team up to fight against smuggling organized by crime groups. The main goals of the group are to deter, disrupt and dismantle gangs from illegally immigrated people and drugs into the U.S . If they are able to succeed with what they want to do, then they would be shutting down one of the hotspots for gang smuggling. This group is in action today and could eventually make a large impact on preventing gangs from smuggling over the U.S. borders, which would greatly decrease the amount of drugs that would be entering the U.S. The U.S. government has tried to pass different acts and laws against gangs but there has been many legal issues revolving around the civil liberties of the individuals being persecuted. â€Å"Responding to the rise in gang violence in the early 1980s, Los Angeles judges began to issue gang injunctions. This occurs when the city attorney’s office issues a restraining order against specific gang members. This is done only after gathering evidence from police officials and the public. However, in 1987, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged the injunctions, indicating that they presented a violation of an individual’s civil rights† (Smith, Gangs: Outlook). Whenever the government gets close to cracking down on the gangs, an issue involving civil liberties arises and prevents the laws to be passed. The way some of the laws enabled police officers to treat gang members and the hostile level violated some of their rights. In 1994, the Violent Crime Contr ol and Enforcement Act of 1994 was passed and it tightened the choke hold on gangs. It stiffened the penalties for crimes committed by gangs, so that the members would be less prone to break the law. The penalties for a gang member were much more severe than one for just an average person, even if the same crime was committed by both of them. Many lawmakers and law enforcers believe the answer is to make laws to  combat the actions gangs. If the penalties are stiffened, then they will be less prone to smuggle drugs and the drugs levels will go down. If drug trafficking can not be stopped, then there is no chance of slowing down gangs and the violence they create. The solution to this problem will take time and effort but will work. More groups and programs have to be made in order to stop the drug smuggling and gang violence. Also, younger kids have to be reached out to early on so they don’t even have the option to join some sort of gang. If more localized programs can be formed, then smuggling can be cut down from area to area and over time, will disappear. Even though there was extensive research, only one program that was focusing on gang involvement in their area was found and it had been working efficiently so far (IIMPACT). This group is so successful because it requires the usage of town police, state police and federal police all working together. The information that can be shared from each level is key to success. A joint effort is always more successful than a singular effort. If different levels of government enforcement could join up and work together in states all along the border, the smuggling of drugs could be cut dow n immediately. â€Å"The combination of different agencies has brought up results that show that gang violence and just gangs in general are able to be controlled if not reduced a significant amount† (â€Å"In The Spotlight†). This combination occurring much more frequently can be the resolution to the problem that has needed to be solved for so long. The main problem can be seen lying within the gangs but the actual problem revolves around the American educational institutions and the environments that kids are provided with. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) believes that laws will not help and that providing the right environment for kids is what is needed. The main problem with setting a lot of laws and enforcing them is that even if a kid is stopped from being fully involved in a street gang by sending him to prison, he will be more likely to join a gang in prison than out in the world because of how frequent prison gangs are. By trying to prevent one problem, the laws would only cause another. â€Å"If younger kids were provided with better opportunities to enact in a community and have a better environment to conduct their actions, they will  be less prone to join gangs† (Smith â€Å"Gangs: Outlooks†). Groups like the ACLU are trying to stop the problem before it arises and that really is the best po ssible thing that can be done in this situation. If the number of gang members goes down, then gangs will lose their power and influence over the surrounding communities. This would cause there to be less drug smuggling occurring and the problem would gradually decline to a non-existing issue. Gang activity and violence is occurring all over the U.S. every day, mainly caused by the involvement of illegal narcotics. If this country wants to stop the gangs, it needs to completely cut off the smuggling and trafficking of drugs from Central America into the U.S. by combining different government agencies of different levels to prevent the gangs from entering the U.S. and growing and also to create programs and groups to prevent it at a more localized level where the issues are the most urgent. The information that was presented shows how much damage that the gangs are causing to the U.S. and how drugs being smuggled over the borders from Central America are the main cause. This is very important because some of what is being done now and what can be done could be the solution to this enormous problem. Possible trends in the future will definitely be that more laws and acts will be proposed and whether or not they go into action, they will make a positive affect on trying to st op gangs in the U.S. Gangs were first formed in the U.S. in New York in the early 20th century, particularly 1928, so it could be the first time in one hundred years where gangs are not relevant in the U.S. Also, it could make a large global impact because it would encourage other nations to crack down on gangs too. If the necessary steps are taken, the problem of gangs in the U.S. could be completely ended and we could experience a gang-free and drug-free time period in the U.S. for the first time in years. Work Cited Barbour, Scott, ed. Gangs. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2002. Print. Farah, Douglas, and Pamela Phillips Lum. â€Å"Central American Gangs and Transnational Criminal Organizations.† Strategycenter. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Gang and Immigration Enforcement.† AZDPS. Arizona Department of Public Safety, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. â€Å"In the Spotlight: Gangs.† National Criminal Justice Reference Service. U.S. Department of Justice, 7 Sept. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Smith, Pamela K. â€Å"Gangs.† Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. Smith, Pamela K. â€Å"Gangs: Outlook.† Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Arctic Mining Consultants Essay

Synopsis of the Situation Arctic Mining Consultants is a mining consulting company that does mining exploration. This particular case looks into how Arctic Mining Consultants’ crew did not effectively do their job in Eagle Lake, Alaska. Tom Parker is a geological field technician and field coordinator for the company. He acted as the project manager on the job near Eagle Lake, Alaska. His crew of field assistants consisted of John Talbot, Greg Boyce, and Brian Millar. Tom had worked with all three field assistants before. Tom has specialized skills in claim staking, line cutting and grid installation, soil sampling, prospecting, and trenching. This particular job involved skating 15 claims, which consist of marking a line with flagging tape and blazes along the perimeter of the claim. A claim post is cut every 500 yards, meaning 60 miles in line total. Tom hoped to complete the job in a week, and offered the field assistants each a $300 bonus if it was completed in time. This would be added to their fa irly low daily wages. As the job progressed, tension was thick because the deadline was approaching. The field assistants were working long days, and two of them were continually not meeting Tom’s expectations. Tom particularly took his frustrations out on Millar. Key Issues The field assistants are given little motivation to work hard. They are paid fairly low daily wages and are putting in long days. Tom Parker does not offer positive encouragement either, yelling and making the field assistants feel bad could make them care less about the job. The field assistants are provided meals and accommodations, but even Tom admitted that a lot was expected of them in a short amount of time. Tom Parker is not a good leader. He is the one who does the hiring, training and supervising for all of Arctic Mining Consultants programs. It could be possible he is not properly training field assistants to thoroughly meet his  expectations. Tom Parker, on more then one occasion, exploded with anger. He did not coach his team, he just yelled at them. If he was supervising there work on Day 3, he should have communicated with the field assistants and told them how to improve their work then. On Day 6, when the field assistants did show improvement, Parker did not give them any positive reinforcements. Also, even after Paker picked on only Millar for bad performance, he asked him to work for him again. The field assistants seem to have very different capabilities and attitudes. Boyce did not get picked on by Parker, but admitted to Millar that he only worked as hard as he had to. Boyce had the worst results of everyone. Talbot met his quota and stayed to help Boyce meet his. He was a team player. Millar put in more time and effort, by being the first one dropped off Day 6 and 7, last one picked up Day 6 and 7, and not taking lunch Day 5. He worked himself so hard, that he collapsed at dinner, to tired to eat. Define the Problem The key problem in this case is that Tom Parker is not a good leader. He is in charge of hiring, training, and supervising field assistants. Couldn’t the field assistants’ work be reflected on Tom because he did not properly train them? Also, Tom selected the field assistants for this job. He should have known what they were capable of before selecting them. He had worked with al of them before, so he should have had reasonable expectations for each of them. Tom also made a hostile working environment with much stress and little positivity. Alternative Solutions Solution 1: Tom needs to be retained as a project manager. Being a project manager means being a leader. Tom is not a good leader. An effective leader is one who leads by encouraging the employees and making them want to succeed, thereby making the organization meet and exceed its goals over time. (Thakur, 2005). Tom did not handle conflict well; he took his frustrations out on one particular field assistant. Relational leadership is one form of effective leadership. Relational leadership centers around person-to-person relationships. One of the significant components of all relationships is how conflict is handled. (Ferch & Mitchell, 2011). The  advantage of retaining Tom to gain leadership skills would be that Tom potentially could more effectively train field assistants and make a better team dynamic. The disadvantage is that Arctic Mining Consultants would have to spend time and money to re train the trainer, Tom. It would be beneficial for him to develop new leadership skills, but it might be difficult not having a project manager. Solution 2: Tom and Arctic Mining Consultants should offer more incentives to his field assistants. It doesn’t even have to be monetary. Offering positive reinforcement for work well done would be beneficial to Tom and his team. â€Å"While money is important to employees, what tends to motivate them to perform – and to perform at higher levels – is the thoughtful, personal kind of recognition that signifies true appreciation for a job well done. (Eastern, 2012). The advantage of this solution would be that employees would feel better about the work they are doing, and feel good hen they excel. Field assistants would be working in a positive environment. The disadvantage would be employees would start to expect positive reinforcements and bonuses, feeling they are entitled to it. Solution 2: Hire new field assistants. Tom could more carefully select his field assistants for a job. He should do more research on candidates’ capabilities and experience if he has high expectations. The advantage of having a different team of field assistants would be that he could filter out those who do not meet expectations before hand. The negative side of hiring new field assistants is the time it would take to evaluate new candidates as field assistants. Selected Solution I believe the first solution would bee best to solve this case. Tom needs to reevaluate his leadership tactics. He does not communicate effectively with his crew. He needs to think of the crew working together like a team, and he is coach. Tom is not being effective by focusing on the negatives; he needs to analyze what is being done wrong, and coach field assistants to correct their problem. Implementation/Recommendations First, Arctic Mining Consultant should have Tom trains another potential project manager that already works for the company. The candidate should undergo some type of leadership training. Then Tom will engage in a leadership-training program. The candidate will be the project manager while Tom is absent. Then, the two project managers, Tom and candidate, will work as a team to direct field assistants. Tom needs a new outlook on his management style. Implementing this plan will help achieve that. This will also help make more effective work teams. References Thakur, D. (2005, January). Short-term leaders. Quality, 44(1), 24. Retrieved from Ferch, S. R., & Mitchell, M. M. (2001). Intentional Forgiveness in Relational Leadership: A Technique for Enhancing Effective Leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(4), 70. Retrieved from Eastern, J. S. (2012, January 1). Employee rewards. Internal Medicine News, 45(1), 78. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Federalist papers No10 and 51

Essay on Federalist papers No10 and 51 Essay on Federalist papers No10 and 51 Essay on Federalist papers No10 and 51Federalist papers No10 and 51 are among the most significant Federalist papers contributing to justification of the introduction of the US Constitution and unification of the nation. These Federalist papers focused on the prevention of factions and division of power through the system of check and balances. These principles laid the foundation to the US Constitution and political system which persist now.Federalist Paper No 10 focuses on the problem of factions and the prevention of this problem. To put it more precisely, the author, James Madison, argues that the large union is more effective in preventing small interest groups of taking power and establishing their regime that stands for interests of those groups. James Madison argues that factions comprise an integral part of a democratic state. Moreover, he believes that the American Revolution struggled for liberty of American people, while â€Å"liberty to factions is what air is to fireâ €  (Madison, 12). This is why he argues that the simple ban of factions through the elimination of liberty is inadmissible. On the other hand, he believes that large factions in small states can take the power and neglect interest of minorities. Therefore, they will violate rights of people and neglect their interest, while rights of all people are equal. Hence, Madison insists that the large union can control large factions that leads him to the conclusion that small states will be unable to control factions, but the union of American states is the only way to set control over factions and prevent interest groups from taking the absolute power.Federalist paper No 51 focuses on the separation of powers and, more specifically, upon means by which the separation of powers may be achieved. James Madison, the author of Federalist paper No 51, stands on the ground of the necessity of the separation of power to maintain democracy and liberty in the American nation. He suggests a system of check and balances, which prevent one branch of power from taking control over others. In fact, in his Federalist paper No 51, he suggests separating legislative, judicial and executive branches of powers, which can check and balance each other. This concept of the separation of powers was grounded on James Madison’s idea that â€Å"ambition must be made to counteract ambition† (Madison, 17). The principle of the separation of powers laid the foundation to the US political system existing now and was legally implemented in the US Constitution.In fact, I agree with Federalist paper No 10 and 51, although believe that the risk of factions taking power always persist, regardless of the size of the state, but I believe it is true that in smaller states there is a higher risk of factions taking the full power, while the conflict of interest of different factions in a large state creates better conditions for the control over factions. As for the separation of power, I b elieve this is the milestone of a truly democratic state because the proposed system of check and balances is an effective tool to prevent certain groups or branches of power from taking the full control over the entire nation.Thus, Federalist papers No 10 and 51 are major political works which contributed to the creation of the US Constitution and shaping key principles of the US political system.